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Price from: $217.00

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ATH: Húsið leigist einungis út til fjölskyldufólks.
Þetta einstaklega skemmtilega sumarhús er staðsett í einkar fallegu umhverfi í Hálsasveit Borgarfirði. Eingungis 14 km keyrsla er í Húsafell.

Sumarhúsið býður upp á gistingu fyrir allt að 6 manns.

Svefnherbergin eru tvö, bæði með tvíbreiðu rúmi.
Svefnpláss er fyrir 2 uppi á svefnlofti á nýjum þægilegum dýnum og í stofunni er nýr gæða svefnsófi fyrir 2.
Sængur og koddar eru fyrir 6 manns.

Salernið er mjög snyrtilegt og sturtan góð.

Góð eldhúsaðstaða er í bústaðnum með öllum helstu áhöldum og búnaði. Borðbúnaður er fyrir 12 manns. Annar ísskápur með frystihólfi er til staðar í geymslu.

Í stofunni er 50" flatskjár og DVD spilari
Við borðstofuborðið er pláss fyrir 6 manns en möguleiki á að stækka það fyrir allt að 8 -10 manns.

Þvottavél er í geymslu.

Stór pallur umkringir sumarhúsið og á honum er stór heitur pottur. 3 brennara gasgrill er til staðar ásamt útihúsgögnum fyrir allt að 12 manns.

Staðsetningin sumarhússins er frábær enda stutt í margar helstu náttúruperlur Íslands og sögulega staði. Má þar nefna Hraunfossa, Reykholt, Húsafell og íshellinn á Langjökli.

Nokkrar góðar sundlaugar eru í nágrenninu, og frábærir golfvellir í Húsafelli og Borganesi.

Gæludýr eru ekki leyfð.
A.T.H : Bústaðurinn leigist frá 16:00 á fyrsta degi og þarf að skila 12:00 (hádegi) á skiladegi.

Good to know

Check-in time: 16:00
Registered: 18 May 2016
Last update: 17 Oct 2024
Size: 52 m2
Check-out time: 12:00
Minimum stay: 2 nights
Location of keys: Contact owner for keys



  • 2x Double bed
  • 2x Mattresses

Cancellation policy


A reservation can be cancelled 30 days or more prior to the scheduled arrival date and 80% of the rental price will be repaid.

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28 Reviews

Aleksandr zvukov
21 Mar 2023
All liked it

mick murphy
03 Nov 2022
Hi everyone we booked for two nights late October.
The house was great for 5 of us. A 30 min drive from Borgarnes quiet location kids enjoyed the hot tub. Sauna not available at the time if we get back to Iceland we will stay again

Yang Sie
29 Aug 2022
Initially our GPS took us to the middle of a farm land. We had to knock on doors to ask people. Everyone we asked for directions was super helpful (including the owner of the cottage). Smooth communication all the way. The cottage was super clean and comfortable. We wish we could stay there for more days. Definitely recommend it! It could be better to have wifi provided, our phone (from US) didnt have signal here. However, it was good when look at it from the other angle, which forced us to stay away from the chaotic world and enjoy a quite night in Iceland!

Unnur G?gja Ingimundard?ttir
23 Aug 2022
Áttum notalegar stundir, allt til alls og gott svæði fyrir börnin utandyra.

ívar már sigurpálsson
16 Aug 2021

Baldur Þór Emilsson
10 Aug 2021
The cottage is great and cozy, well equipped, and the kids loved the playground, the sleeping loft, and of course the hot tub :) Guðmundur was also very helpful in giving us directions to find it.

Óskar Ingólfsson
05 Oct 2020
Very nice house, good location for Krauma bath, forHusafell and for adventures up to the glacier. Hope to go again.

Margrét Grímsdóttir
22 Sep 2020

Abigail Callaway
14 Aug 2019
This home on farmland is perfect! I sit here sipping the last of coffee, watching the kids dig in the sand pit and swing on the swing set with the hills and sheep in the background. Do not want to leave. Everything was perfect, all amenities to make great breakfast and dinners with beautiful views each day. Owner quickly available if needed. Home was very well situated near our daily West Iceland adventures. Perfect. Thank you! We are sad to leave!

Edward W Marshall
22 Jul 2019
The cabin was well equipped. The view was excellent in most directions. The communications from the owner were well thought-out, so we had no trouble finding the cabin or unlocking it. The cabin temperature was too hot for sleeping, as the geothermal heating system was hard to regulate and we couldn't locate a thermostat. The kitchen was well stocked with plates, glasses, and eating utensils but there were not many pots and pans for cooking.

Kethose kannaou
04 Jul 2019
We stayed for 2 nights in this beautiful was an amazing experience, the hot pool was the best.
Thank you

Valdimar Viggósson
24 Jun 2019

Sabah bardhi
05 Nov 2018
Hi! it was a nice experienc in this property .
the house was very good.

have a nice day

Elfi Thoelen
21 Aug 2018
We had a great time here. It's a beautiful cottage, very modern with lots of space (several bedrooms). The kitchen is very well-equipped with all the appliances you can possibly imagine. Great tv, large hot tub. Remote location, so if you like your privacy you won't be bothered by anyone here.

Response from Gudmundur Skulason
Thank you very much. Always welcome Br Gummi
Sigrún Gróa Magnúsdóttir
21 Aug 2018
Virkilega notalegur bústaður í fallegu umhverfi. Grillið virkar vel, potturinn góður og einfalt að nota hann ef þú ferð eftir leiðbeiningunum. Nokkurn veginn allt til alls. Fór mjög vel um okkur 6 manna fjölskyldunni;)

Agnieszka Dorota Hamelusz
17 Jul 2018

marsden estelle
19 Jun 2018
Very good thank you

Paulius Gabrenas
14 May 2018

Julia Sgorsaly
20 Apr 2018
This wonderful cottage is located in a beautiful area with lots of things to do.
The cottage is great with a big hot tub so we had lots of fun in the evenings :)
I really can recommend it to everyone.

Bjarni Dan?el ?misson
06 Apr 2018
Æðislegur bústaður á frábærum stað, öll aðstaða til fyrirmyndar. Kyrrð og ró umlykur svæðið og náttúran yndisleg. Takk kærlega fyrir okkur.

Response from Gudmundur Skulason
Takk fyrir það og ávallt velkominn
05 Jan 2018
Very nice place. Me and my husbund was there over the christmas and had a wonderful time. Very nice and very cozy. :) We did like it so much :)

Maria Garcia
17 Aug 2017
Very nice cottage with a big garden, hot tub and kids area. Perfect to a stay with family or firends.

Helgi Eiriksson
03 Jul 2017
Frábær bústaður í fallegu umhverfi. Það var allt uppá 10 í honum.

Esther Talía Casey
12 Jun 2017
Wonderful country house, clean and cozy.

Response from Gudmundur Skulason
Þakka fyrir góða umsögn og góðan viðskilnað ávallt velkomin aftur. Bestu kveðjur

Christopher O'Hagan
19 Sep 2016
Set in a stunning part of the West and close to some excellent attractions we found this cottage ideal..The finish and cleanness are superb. The hot tub is an added bonus that finishes the long days off perfectly. The picture is the view at dusk...

We will both be back again..


Sigurj?n Mar Barkarson
10 Aug 2016
Very clean and cozy cottage. We had a wonderful time!

08 Aug 2016

Valdís Haraldsdóttir
26 Jul 2016
Allt mjög snyrtilegt og þægilegt