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Price from: $140.17

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Til leigu sumarhús í fallegu umhverfi Biskupstungna, rétt ofan við fossinn FAXA í Tungufljóti. Húsin eru 55 fm. nýleg og notaleg með góðum amerískum rúmum í tveimur herbergjum, gisting fyrir 6. Sjónvarp, dvd, cd útvarp, gasgrill, örbylgjuofn. Flísalögð baðherbergi með sturtu.Rólegt og gott umhverfi.

Stutt að Geysi og Gullfossi og í nágrenninu er t.d. veiði, flúðasiglingar, sundlaugar, (3) golfvöllur, hestaleigur og fallegar gönguleiðir og jeppaleiðir.

Einungis klst. akstur úr Reykjavik.

* Lágmarks leigutími eru tveir dagar, öllum pöntunum fyrir færri en tvær nætur verður vísað frá.

Good to know

Check-in time: 16:00
Registered: 14 Mar 2011
Last update: 15 Jan 2025
Check-out time: 12:00
Minimum stay:
 3 nights (Summer)
 2 nights (Winter)
Location of keys: Á staðnum / At location



  • 1x Double bed
  • 2x Bunk bed for 2

Cancellation policy


A reservation can be cancelled 30 days or more prior to the scheduled arrival date and 80% of the rental price will be repaid.

2 cottages on Bungalo

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28 Reviews

Aart Hendrik Christiaan Kuik
03 Mar 2023
Had the best time in an awesome cabine, with great view, jacuzzi and good location to visit golden circle, and even the falls, beach and Vik.

Sebastiaan Klijnee
20 Feb 2023
Very good situated, place dor 6 and everything at hand. Private and parking next to the cabin. Nice whirlpool next to the house . Great experience and definitely recommend

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello good guest...
Thank you for your visit, good you liked it and be welcome later..
Eyjasól cottages
Debby Holeman
06 Aug 2022
I think we were in cabin #1, not 5. However, the cabin was nice and cozy. Unfortunately, the hot tub wasn't working right, or I would have given it 5 stars, but the rest was wonderful.

Slawomir Daniel Zurawka
27 Dec 2021
Amazing stay.
Very nice and clean property with amazing view.
Hihgly recommend.

Björgvinsdóttir Aðalheiður
17 Jul 2021
Allt í góðu lagi nema steikarpannan er ónýt og mætti alveg vera handþeytari rafmagns. Svo lekur frá eldhúskrana.

Elísa Marie Guðjónsdóttir
31 May 2021

Heimir Þór Tryggvason
03 May 2021
Góður bústaður og þrifalegur. Fínn pottur og gott grill.
Það vantar þó nokkra hluti í bústaðinn. Til dæmis Sleif, kúst, rauðvínsglös og barkann í ryksuguna. Það er ryksuga en enginn barki.
Heimir þór

08 Jan 2021
The cottage is very nice and clean. We found all what we needed to enjoy our stay. Easy to access a lot of nice places, so the location is really optimal.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Thanks for your visit and nice words. Be welcome later, winter or spring/summer time.
Allt the best from Eyjasol cottages.
Jon Karl
S?ley Fjalars
13 Oct 2020

Vilhjálmur Grétar Elíasson
25 Aug 2020
Algjör snilld en það vantaði Wifi og Dvd spilarann

El?sa Eir ?stud?ttir
17 Aug 2020

Kamil Krcek
11 Aug 2020

02 Apr 2020
mjög flottur og þægilegur bústaður með öllu ,ekki í fyrsta skiptið sem við vorum þarna og ekki í síðasta ,takk

María Sólveig Magnúsdóttir
19 Jul 2019
Frábær staðsetning og flott útsýni. Dásamlegt að láta líða úr sér í heitum potti á kvöldin, þó hann sé kannski full heitur og ekki hægt að stilla hann. Þá var DVD spilarinn bilaður, en við vorum svolítið að reiða okkur á hann fyrir yngsta fjölskyldumeðliminn. Annars er öll aðstaða til fyrirmyndar, flott bbq, eldhús og sturta.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello dear guest...
Thank you for your nice words about Eyjasol cottage. Sorry for the us DVD, we did not know and it is probably out of order.. Be welcome lager if you like...
Eyjasol apartments in Reykjavik and cottages...
þórunn margrét sigurðardóttir
16 Apr 2019
Would recommend for 5-6 people, I enjoyed it! Nice place but there was no wifi as said in the description

Madeline Handl
04 May 2018
Really nice place on the Golden Circle! I couldn?t figure out how to adjust the temperature of the hot tub, and the jets/settings didn?t work :/ but it was still nice.
The beds had sheets and a small blanket-I mention it because in the description it stayed we needed to bring our own linen, or pay to use theirs. So that was a nice surprise! Also needed to bring your own towel to shower or pay to use theirs?kind of strange.

Everything was very clean, the cottage was very warm when we arrived. They had some little things like crayons and cards.

Overall nice place.

Adrianus Verheul
05 Jan 2018
We had a lovely time in this cottage. Thank you very much for using it! Just at the house, we saw the Northern Lights several times, We have been to Geysir, Gullfoss, Secret Lagoon, Seljalandsfoss, Skogarfoss, Vik, the black beaches, Vatnajokull gletsjer, Jokursalon. Outside it was sometimes minus 10, in the house it was wonderfully warm. Also we enjoyed the hot tub. The environment is even more beautiful than you can see on the photo's on the site. We have been here for a week with our family of four persons.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello good guest from Ireland...
Thank you for your nice words and a visit in January. Good to have you and be welcome later, summer is the time, when highland roads are open and daylight is 24 hours...
Have in mind, we also have an apartment in Reykjavik for 4-6 people, for split stay if coming back some day.
All the best.
Eyjasol cottages and aparments.
Jón Karl and Thorey
jenny dent
09 Nov 2017
Wonderful cottage in a beautiful location. Plenty of space and we thoroughly enjoyed the hot tub. Would return.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Thank you for your visit, be welcome later...
Eyjasol cottages,
Jon Karl and Thorey
Sigmar Atli Guðmundsson
30 Oct 2017
Rosalega kósý hús með flottri aðstöðu til alls fyrir alla. Mætti kíkja aðeins á niðurföllin en ekkert að þeim ef fólk er þolinmótt. Heilt yfir æðisleg kósýferð sem við nutum mjög.

gina turrigiano
17 Aug 2017
We stayed here for 4 nights this August, and it was snug but adequate for our party of 5 adults. The location was great for day trips around the south. The cabin could badly use a little updating and upkeep tho - the linens and towels were abrasive, pillows hard, and shower drain slow enough that only very short showers were possible. It was well-enough equipped to cook simple meals, but only half the burners of the gas grill were working. Hot tub was nice, but not quite hot enough.

Unnar Geir
20 Jan 2017
Very nice and well kept house. Hot tub was warm and cozy upon arrival. Free wifi worked well. We were informed than nobody else was coming the next day and got to spend an extra day free of charge. Highly recommendable. :)

05 Mar 2015
Wir haben die Zeit im Eyjasol 2 sehr genossen. Ganz besonders war es, das Nordlicht aus dem Hotpot zu sehen. Wunderbar! Einmal blieben wir mit dem Kleinwagen auf dem Weg zur Strasse im Schnee stecken... Aber mit der Schaufel kriegten wir dies wieder hin. Die Einrichtung im Häuschen ist praktisch. Vielen Dank!

Thomas Dreadlockroy Miles
05 Feb 2015
Great location, loved the hot tub and being close to the golden circle stops! Saw the northern lights on ever night during our stay, which obviously added to the joy of staying here. When we arrived the heating was up to max and the hot tub was already to temperature which was a lovely surprise after a cold snowy day on the road. Finding the place on the first day was difficult without a gps as the signs for the turn off were covering in snow, but we eventually found it. Would very much recommend a stay here, especially for the price (aprrox 50 Pounds per night).

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Thank you for your visit and good words..
Be welcome later even the summer or late summertime..
Eyjasol apartments and cottages, Iceland...
Jon Karl and Thorey
02 Jan 2015
The only word to describe our stay at Eyjasól 2 is magical. My partner and I arrived on the 28th of December and were presented with a clean, warm and functional cottage. The atmosphere was cozy and we felt like we were in a home away from home. Only a 15 minute drive from Geysir and another 15 minutes from Gulfoss, this bungalo is situated in an amazing location which is secluded yet surrounded by natural wonders.The weather for our first couple days was typical of winter, cloudy and wet which made the hot tub a lovely and calming experience. We were fortunate enough on the 2nd night to experience a break in the clouds which permitted for a dazzling display of the Northern Lights. We were able to run up a hillside close to the property to get an extraordinary view of the nights presentation. Amazing!
Our stay at the bungalo was a truly romantic and exciting experience for both of us. The memories will last until our next visit and long after. Thank you so much!

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello Ester..
Thank you for your nice words and visit. Be welcome back anytime.
Eyjasol ehf.
Jon Karl and Thorey
17 Nov 2014
It is a bit strange to write a review for a cottage we did not use? as we arrived, Eyjasól 2 was already inhabited by others, which caused some confusion. However, within less than 10 min, we got another cottage (Eyjasól 1) which was supposed to be more or less identical. The equipment was to our opinion very comfortable and as written in the description. The big highlight was, of course, the private outside hot tub that allowed us to spot some northern lights while being in the warm water :)

If you book this cottage you have to be aware that it is not exactly located in downtown Reykjavik. It is in the countryside of Iceland, but nicely available by well-maintained roads. You should take food with you and everything you need for your stay. The next shopping oportunity is in Reykholt, ca. 10 minutes car drive away, where you find a small grocery store / gas station / bank. We really enjoyed it and think about coming back again.

25 Dec 2012
Nice little cottage with everything you need really. It was lovely to spend time in the hot tub watching the snowcapped mountains in the distance.

Only minor niggle is the TV/DVD/video combo - the DVD remote is broken.

24 Nov 2012
Áttum mjög góða páskahelgi í bústaðnum ,allt til alls og gott að slappa af og fara í gönguferðir að fossinum Faxa og þar í kring.Takk kærlega fyrir okkur. Ps.ofninn á baðinu var bilaður og búið að taka ofninn af ganginum þannig að þar var frekar svalt.En eflaust lítið mál að laga.

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16 Jul 2012
Everything was great!!!