Book this cottage

Price from: $156.92

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Bústaðurinn er staðsettur á á Steinnýjarstöðum sem er um 10 km norðan við Skagaströnd. Í bústaðnum er hjónarúm 140 cm breitt og eitt 120 cm breitt rúm og ungbarnarúm. Gisting er fyrir 4 fullorðna. Einnig eru 2 þykkar dýnur í húsinu. Í húsinu er borðbúnaður fyrir 10 manns. 32" flatskjár og hljómflutningstæki eru í húsinu. Stór verönd er við húsið. Veiðileyfi seld á staðnum í hið margrómaða Langavatn á Skaga ( aðeins 5 km frá bænum) Tilvalið að leggja upp í gönguferð um Skagaheiði. Aðeins um 10 km frá Skagaströnd og um 35 km frá Blönduós.
Lyklar eru sóttir á bænum um leið og leigutaki mætir.
Hægt er að koma á komudegi kl:16:00 í bústaðinn en á skiladegi þarf að skila bústaðnum kl:12:00
Gestir eru vinsamlegast beðnir að virða skilatímann.

Rúm uppábúin fylgja
Handklæði fylga
Gestir þurfa að skila bústaðnum hreinum eftir dvölina en líka er hægt að kaupa lokaþrif á 10.000 kr

Tilvalið að skella sér í réttir, berjamó eða gönguferðir :) Við hlökkum til að taka vel á móti ykkur :)
Dásamlegt útivistarsvæði

Good to know

Check-in time: 16:00
Registered: 27 Jun 2012
Last update: 21 Feb 2025
Size: 35 m2
Check-out time: 12:00
Minimum stay: 1 nights
Location of keys: Key on farm Steinnýjarstaðir



  • 2x Double bed

Cancellation policy


A reservation can be cancelled 30 days or more prior to the scheduled arrival date and 80% of the rental price will be repaid.
Kristján Steinar

1 cottages on Bungalo

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545 Skagaströnd

(14 ratings)

19 Reviews

Hugr?n P?tursd?ttir
02 Aug 2021
Yndislegur staður. Fallegt umhverfi. Mætti gera lagfæringar á baðherbergi, gardínum og öðru smálegu.

Kolbrún Karlsdóttir
24 Jul 2020
Nice little cabin in the countryside. I recommend it for couple or family with children.

Sigurður Arnar Sölvason
20 Jul 2020
Frábær mæli með þessari gistingu

Response from Linda Björk
Takk fyrir komuna :)
Maike Lampert
04 Oct 2018
Nice little cabin. It has everything you need. It is a little bit out of town, but we enjoyed it!

Caroline Stocker
29 Aug 2018
Close to the mainhouse, nice view to the sea. There is no heating system, just a electric heater, which is a little bit loud, especially for sleeping.
Very nice and cute dog came to visit us!

Wulf Blumenstein
27 Aug 2018
Nice'n easy. Located directly by a remote farm, so not really in, but at the foot of the mountains. We enjoyed it.

Claus Sterneck
23 Jul 2018
Good contact, all went fine :-)!

23 Jul 2018
It was a nicely located and large cabine we really liked it.
Unfortunately we had a very bad weather and saw only a little bit of the great landscape.
the cabine is located very close to the farm buildings has all facilities although it could be slightly hard to heat up and may need to be a little bit renovated.

Timo Büschelmann
31 May 2018
Very nice and gentle place to stay! The breakfast with selfmade bread, marmelade etc. was delicious! Thank you for everything!

Martina Pötzsch
31 Aug 2017
Great hospitality, cosy cabin.Thank you!

line arhainx
17 Aug 2017
There is a really nice lake !

Tim Große-Ruiken
03 Jul 2017

Response from Linda Björk
Florence FAYE
11 Aug 2016
cottage trés mignon, au calme dans une ferme avec le chant des oiseaux. Propriétaire sympathique qui a fait visiter son étable à nos filles. La région du nord est magnifique .

Ute Stenkewitz
14 Jul 2016

Pavol Sopko
27 Jun 2016

10 Aug 2015
Flott hús á góðum stað.
Okkar viðskiptavinir mjög ánægðir.
Komum til með að nýta það oftar.

Response from Linda Björk
Gaman að heyra Friðrik :)
Tatyana Yakovleva
27 Jun 2014
It was so perfect place to stay. Thanks to Linda and her beautiful family my visit to this Land of Wonders became even better. Cabin is very well furnishd and has everything you need. And also going around Skagi fjord was a great surprice - such amazing sights! Recommend it, Tanya.

Haraldur Emilsson
20 Jun 2013
Fínt hús og gott að vera í.

Mike Burns
17 Aug 2012
Very well equipped. Single open plan room. On owners farm down long gravel road and pleasant loction for a quiet break away from tourist areas.