Book this cottage

Price from: $216.53

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There are 7 bigger Cottages at Minniborgir that are 80 sq m or 860 sq ft. These larger houses, are with comfortable beds for up to 9 persons, offer all the amenities expected in a comfortable house: Gas BBQ, a hot tub, a living room with comfortable seating, two warm-water showers, a fully equipped kitchen with dish washing machine, a large refrigerator with a freezer, a good electric cooking stove and dinner table and tableware for up to 12 persons. High-quality mattresses are in the beds, two television sets and more. Every house has free wireless internet connection.
Restaurant was open in summer 2014. Guest can have breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the restaurant is also the reception for check in.

Please note
* Minimum order is 2 nights, any orders for one night will be canceled.

Good to know

Check-in time: 16:00
Registered: 09 Jul 2010
Last update: 20 Mar 2024
Size: 80 m2
Check-out time: 12:00
Minimum stay: 1 nights
Location of keys: Reception/Restaurant



  • 3x Double bed
  • 1x Bunk bed for 3

Cancellation policy


A reservation can be cancelled 30 days or more prior to the scheduled arrival date and 80% of the rental price will be repaid.
Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant

5 cottages on Bungalo

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24 Reviews

María Soffía Gottfreðsdóttir
22 Feb 2021

Skjöldur Orri Skjaldarson
22 Feb 2021

Jan Sigurdur Christensen
08 Aug 2019
Nice location. House worn down and could use a refresh. No floor tiles in bathroom and heating didn?t work (could not be turned off)

Bernhard Schmidt
11 Jul 2019
Wir haben den Aufenthalt sehr genossen; Gallen auf der Terrasse, Fußballspielen am Platz, sehr gemütliches Haus und natürlich der Hot-Tut, den wir gerne genutzt haben. Ankommen und Empfang an der Rezeption war sehr freundlich.
Die Zeit war leider sehr kurz. Es wäre eine Unterkunft für länger gewesen.

Aaron Lake
11 Feb 2019
The front desk staff are amazing, helpful, and super friendly. The cottage was perfect and can easily fit 4-5 people.

Response from Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant ehf
Thanks for staying with us.
Daniel J Sullivan
06 Sep 2018
We stayed here just one night. The house was great! It looked better in person than in the pictures. The wifi worked well, the view was pretty good, everything was clean, and the house was very cute. The thermal hot-tub filed much more quickly than at the other house we stayed so we were able to use it within an hour or so after we turned it on. It was located well for our purposes in that we were able to do all the golden circle on the day of our arrival and this house is in the direction of the southern coast for the next day as we traveled east around the island.

Response from Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant ehf
Thank you for staying with us.
Roussel Olivier
27 Aug 2018
Very nice and comfortable ! People at reception desk very nice too.

Response from Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant ehf
Thanks for staying with us.
Barbara Stocker Kalberer
23 Jul 2018
Gut gelegene, kleine, saubere und ruhige Feriensiedlung! Für 8 Personen sind die Schlafmöglichkeiten eng und es fehlt ein zweites WC. Etwas bessere Verdunkelungsmöglichkeiten wären toll gewesen. Ansonsten waren wir mit der Unterkunft sehr zufrieden. Der Hot Tub ist genial!

Response from Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant ehf
Vielen dank
Svanhildur Sif Haraldsdóttir
30 Oct 2017

Ástrós Eva Gunnarsdóttir
11 Sep 2017

stinna Marie Aabenhus
04 Sep 2017
We needed an exstra mirror, example in the hallway.

Louis Cornelussen
20 Jul 2017
Wonderfull house, fully equiped. We loved the stay there

?lafur ??r J?hannsson4507
21 Jun 2017

Erna Rós Aðalssteinsdóttir
21 Jun 2017
Flottur bústaður!

Einar GYlfi J?nsson
21 Apr 2017
The bungalo was well equipt, nicely furnitured, and is well situated for daytours to some of the most popular sights. The staff was friendly and helpful. But some minor things, easily fixable prevent us from giving it 5 stars. The overall experience was very positive.

Borgþór Vifill Tryggvason
30 Nov 2016

Response from Minniborgir Cottages & Restaurant ehf
Takk fyrir
Aron Eydal Sigur?arson
13 Sep 2016
Very nice and spacious, beautiful sights, we had a great time!

Guðni Matthíasson
28 Sep 2015
Clean, roomy and comfy.

23 Aug 2013
Húsið er á frábærum stað og auðvelt að finna það.
Í húsinu er allt til alls, rúmgott og uppþvottavélin vakti mikla lukku. Vorum eina helgi og allir fóru ánægðir heim, mun klárlega hafa þennan í huga næst þegar ég þarf að kíkja á Suðurlandið og sama var að heyra hjá þeim sem voru með mér þarna. Heiti potturinn var mikið notaður og einstaklega þæginlegur í notkun. Áttum frábærar stundir þarna og mælum 100% með Minniborgum.

24 Nov 2012
snilldarbústaður og allt til alls þarna.. mæli eindregið með þessu. mætti uppfæra sjónvarpið þarna. túbusjónvarp er ekki inn í dag :)annars gef ég alveg 9.5 í einkunn

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Rósa Morth
30 Apr 2012
Sumarhúsin hjá Minniborgum eru algjörlega til fyrirmyndar,jög snyrtileg og allt til alls. Takk fyrir okkur.

13 Feb 2012
Vorum 8 á föstudagskvöldi, bústaðurinn mjög snyrtilegur við komu, rúmgóður og mjög þæginlegur! Potturinn líka rosa fínn, rúmgóður og þæginlegt að stjórna hitanum.

10 Dec 2011
Bústaðurinn var mjög vel með farinn og góð aðstaða. Við nutum þess að dvelja þarna og viljum þakka fyrir frábærar mótökur.

10 Dec 2011
Fórum saman vinkonuhópurinn og áttum saman æðislegar stundir! Húsnæðið til fyrirmyndar og potturinn æðislegur :) Mjög stutt í alla þjónustu og fullkomin náttura allt í kring. Mæli algjörlega með minniborgum og við vinkonurnar ætlum okkur klárlega að fara þangað aftur :)