Book this cottage

Price from: $140.17

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check-out dates to continue.


For rent a very nice summerhouse in beautiful surroundings at Biskupstunga, right above the waterfall Faxi. The houses are each 55 fm and have two bedrooms with nice beds, one of the room has two bunkbeds and the other one has a large queen size bed. The houses are suitable for 6 people at most. Bathroom with a shower. Kitchen with oven, stove, fridge and microwave. On the front porch there is a hot tub. It is a very quiet and relaxed neighborhood.

The house is located close to the famous waterfall Gullfoss and Geysir, one of the largest geysers in the world. In the area you can also find fishing, river rafting, swimming pool, golf courses, horsetrips and beautiful hiking paths.

Only an hours drive from the capital, Reykjavik.

Please note
* Minimum booking is three nights, any booking for a shorter period will be denied.
* Sheets and towels can be included for 20 euros per person.
* Over the holidays the price is 20% higher then other days. Contact Bungalo for more information.

Good to know

Check-in time: 16:00
Registered: 09 Mar 2010
Last update: 15 Jan 2025
Size: 55 m2
Check-out time: 12:00
Minimum stay:
 5 nights (Summer)
 2 nights (Winter)
Location of keys: Contact owner for keys



  • 1x Single bed
  • 1x Double bed
  • 1x Bunk bed for 2

Cancellation policy


A reservation can be cancelled 30 days or more prior to the scheduled arrival date and 80% of the rental price will be repaid.

2 cottages on Bungalo

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26 Reviews

L. Aron Nelson
06 Aug 2022
We stayed in Cabin #5 where the hot tub was perfect at 40 degrees Celsius. Everything was clean and comfortable, with a lovely view. We will book there again.

?g?st Sigurj?nsson
02 Dec 2021

J?hanna ??runn Asgrimsdottir
16 Nov 2021

Jón Þór gíslason
12 Oct 2021

Tomasz Luba
30 Sep 2021

Alena SKypalova
27 Sep 2021
We loved the heated floors, very good grill and jacuzzi was just great. Cottage is well and beautifully equipped, the owners pay attention to details and design.We found everything we needed and even extra.

Smári Jósafatsson
18 Feb 2019

Benny Verjans
06 Apr 2018
Great cottage on a superb location to visit the Golden Circle. The beds, however, need improvement.

Annemarie Stel
06 Feb 2018
Really nice and cozy cottage, close to the major sights. Everything was well prepared, complete and clean. Wonderful view over the valley and the river.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Thanks for your visit, be welcome next time, summer is the time when highland roads are open and daylight 24 hours...
See you..
Eyjasol cottages.
L. Aron Nelson
05 Jan 2018
We stayed here in February 2016 and liked it so much we came back in January 2018. It's a charming and cozy cottage, very comfortable inside, and the wifi works consistently. On our last night there, my wife cooked the best double entree dinner she's ever made.

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello good guest..
Thank you for your good words and visit in our cottage Eyjabud 1 now and winter 2016.
Nice to hear that you felt good in the cabin, we will anyway have to paint and do some repairing in the cabin in January and February this year..
Be welcome later and have in mind that we also have an apartment in Reykjavik for split stay if interested..
Eyjasol cottages and apartmens.
Jon Karl and Thorey
28 Nov 2017

Birna Dögg Jónasdóttir
30 Oct 2017

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Hello, we like to thank our guests for their visit, hope they had a good stay, be welcome later...
Eyjasol ehf
Jon Karl
30 Oct 2017
Nice cottage! Enouph space and time to relax. Next to golden circle. We loved it so much!!! We saw the Northern light!!! The only little thing is that we had only 3 towels for 5 days for 3 persons. It ?s not much when there is a hot tub. We had our own one also....

Þorleifur Dolli Hjálmarsson
30 Oct 2017
Góður bústaður og frábær staðsetning. Allt til fyrirmyndar.

Esteban Marin
09 Jan 2017

Xoan Xos? Dom?nguez Otero
06 Sep 2016
incredible experience

29 Aug 2016
Góður staður og fallegt umhverfi, rétt hjá fossinum Faxa.

Karen Ösp Jónsdóttir
24 Jul 2016

magn?s reynisson
17 May 2016
Good location / nice cottage

Response from Eyjasol ehf
Thanks for your visit, be welcome anytime later, specially by summertime, when the higland roads are open...
Eyjasol ehf.
Jon Karl and Thorey
04 Apr 2016

09 Aug 2013
Mjög huggulegur bústaður og við áttum mjög ánægjulega dvöl. Það sem mér fannst vanta voru upplýsingar um bústaðinn og heita pottinn. Í fyrsta lagi: Það eru tvær kojur í öðru herberginu, en ekki svefnsófi í stofunni. Það kom ekki að sök hjá okkur, en það hentar kannski ekki öllum að klifra upp í efri kojur, sérstaklega þar sem stigarnir á kojunum voru ekki skrúfaðir á, heldur bara tyllt. Í öðru lagi er erfitt að eiga við heita pottinn. Hann var mjög skítugur og hitnaði aldrei almennilega. Í þriðja lagi var allt rifið úr sambandi hjá sjónvarpinu þegar við komum. Þegar ég hringdi svo í eigandann kom í ljós að myndlykillinn virkar ekki og það verður að horfa í gegnum loftnetið og stilla á stöð 7, þá er hægt að horfa á RÚV með töluverðri snjókomu. Við áttum mjög góðan tíma saman í bústaðnum, en það voru mikil vonbrigði að heiti potturinn virkaði svona illa. Ég vona að potturinn verði lagaður fyrir framtíðar leigjendur, eða að verðið verði lækkað í samræmi við þetta.

13 Feb 2013
This cottage was excellent. In a beautiful location on the 'Golden circle route' and very well equipped. Good price too. Highly recommended.

22 Oct 2012
Fannst þetta frábær bústaður, Ekkert smá kósý að vera þarna.Fórum þarna 3 saman og vorum sammála um það að þetta væri einn sá flottasti bústaður sem við höfum farið í,Hefði gefið honum 5 stjörnur en þar sem heiti potturinn var bilaður fékk hann 4 :) Mæli samt með þessum bústað ;)

Páll Guðmundsson
11 Jun 2012
Bústaðurinn er fínn en veröndin og útihúsgögn þarfnast viðhalds. þrif á húsi ábótavant.

Unnur Magnúsdóttir
29 May 2012
Húsið er vel staðsett og þægilegt. Sérstaklega vel búið og heimilislegt í alla staði. Hefði mátt vera betur þrifið og eins var potturinn hálf-tómur þegar við komum og við lentum í vandræðum með að hita hann upp eftir að við bættum vatni í hann.

Birgir Vagnsson
21 May 2012
Mjög huggulegt og allt til alls, staðsetningin frábær, vantaði helst upplýsingar um hvernig á að stilla hitann í pottinum og lagfæra þarf læsingu á svalahurð. Að öðru leyti ánægð með dvölina.